ToolbarWidgetProps Interface

Properties for a Toolbar Widget.



Name Type Description
horizontalDirection undefined | Direction    
horizontalItems undefined | ItemList    
verticalDirection undefined | Direction    
verticalItems undefined | ItemList    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
applicationData undefined | any WidgetProps Application data attached to the Widget.
badgeType undefined | BadgeType WidgetProps Badge to be overlaid on the widget tab.
betaBadge undefined | false | true WidgetProps Indicates whether to draw a Beta badge.
classId string | ConfigurableUiControlConstructor WidgetProps Control's class id
control undefined | ConfigurableUiControlConstructor WidgetProps A WidgetControl providing information about the Widget.
defaultState undefined | WidgetState WidgetProps Default Widget state.
element undefined | React.ReactNode WidgetProps A React component for the Widget.
fillZone undefined | false | true WidgetProps Indicates whether this Widget should fill the available space in the Zone.
iconSpec string | React.ReactNode WidgetProps Specification for icon on Widget Tab
id undefined | string WidgetProps Optional Id used to uniquely identify the widget.
isFloatingStateSupported undefined | false | true WidgetProps Indicates if widget can be in floating state.
isFloatingStateWindowResizable undefined | false | true WidgetProps Indicates if floating widget is resizable.
isFreeform undefined | false | true WidgetProps Indicates whether the Widget is free-form or rectangular.
isStatusBar undefined | false | true WidgetProps Indicates whether this Widget is for the Status Bar.
isToolSettings undefined | false | true WidgetProps Indicates whether this Widget is for the Tool Settings.
label string | StringGetter WidgetProps if set, component will be considered selected but will NOT display an "active stripe" - defaults to false.
labelKey undefined | string WidgetProps if set, it is used to define a key that is used to look up a localized string.
priority undefined | number WidgetProps Control's priority
stateFunc undefined | (state: Readonly<WidgetState>) => WidgetState WidgetProps Function executed to determine the state of the widget.
syncEventIds undefined | string[] WidgetProps Defines the SyncUi event Ids that will trigger the stateFunc to run to determine the state of the widget.
tooltip string | StringGetter WidgetProps used to explicitly set the tooltip shown by a component.
tooltipKey undefined | string WidgetProps if set, it is used to define a key that is used to look up a localized string.

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020