LabeledToggleProps Interface

Properties for LabeledToggle



Name Type Description
label undefined | string Text that will be shown next to the Toggle.  
labelClassName undefined | string Custom CSS class name for the label  
labelStyle undefined | React.CSSProperties Custom CSS Style for the label  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
buttonType undefined | ToggleButtonType ToggleProps Button type, either Primary or Blue
className undefined | string ClassNameProps Custom CSS class name
disabled undefined | false | true ToggleProps Determine if the toggle is disabled or not
isOn undefined | false | true ToggleProps Determine if the toggle is "on" or "off"
large undefined | false | true ToggleProps Use larger size
onBlur undefined | (event: FocusEvent) => any ToggleProps Function called when the toggle loses focus
onChange undefined | (checked: boolean) => any ToggleProps Function called when the toggle state is changed
rounded undefined | false | true ToggleProps Show the toggle rounded or square (rounded is default)
setFocus undefined | false | true ToggleProps Indicates whether to set focus to the input element
showCheckmark undefined | false | true ToggleProps Show a check mark icon when the toggle is "on"
style undefined | React.CSSProperties CommonProps Custom CSS style properties

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020