PresentationProps Interface

Properties that can be used to configure Presentation API



Name Type Description
requestTimeout undefined | number Time in milliseconds after which the request will timeout.  
unusedClientLifetime undefined | number How much time should an unused client manager be stored in memory
before it's disposed.

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
activeLocale undefined | string PresentationManagerProps Sets the active locale to use when localizing presentation-related
enableSchemasPreload undefined | boolean PresentationManagerProps Should schemas preloading be enabled.
localeDirectories undefined | string[] PresentationManagerProps A list of directories containing locale-specific localized
string files (in simplified i18next v3 format)
mode undefined | PresentationManagerMode PresentationManagerProps Presentation manager working mode.
rulesetDirectories undefined | string[] PresentationManagerProps A list of directories containing presentation rulesets.
supplementalRulesetDirectories undefined | string[] PresentationManagerProps A list of directories containing supplemental presentation rulesets.

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020