AuthorizedFrontendRequestContext Class

Provides some generic context for downstream server applications to get details of a request that originated at the frontend. The context is meant for use in applications that require authorization.

see AuthorizedFrontendRequestContext.FrontendRequestContext




Name Description
constructor(accessToken: AccessToken, activityId: string = Guid.createValue()): AuthorizedFrontendRequestContext Create a new context for agent applications or long running frontend operations to pass to various services  
create(activityId: string = Guid.createValue()): Promise<AuthorizedFrontendRequestContext> Static Create a new context for agent applications or long running frontend operations to pass to various services that require

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
enter(): this ClientRequestContext Set or reset the current ClientRequestContext to be this object.

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_current ProtectedStatic ClientRequestContext ClientRequestContext  
accessToken AccessToken AuthorizedClientRequestContext The access token value of the client application.
activityId GuidString ClientRequestContext Used for logging to correlate all service requests that originated from this client request
applicationId string ClientRequestContext Used for logging and usage tracking to identify the application that created this client request
applicationVersion string ClientRequestContext Used for logging and usage tracking to identify the application version that created this client request
current Static ClientRequestContext ClientRequestContext Get the current client request context
sessionId GuidString ClientRequestContext Used for logging to identify the session that created this client request
useContextForRpc boolean ClientRequestContext  

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020