MapTileRectangle Class



  • object


Name Description
constructor(west: number = 0, south: number = 0, east: number = 0, north: number = 0): MapTileRectangle    
containsCartographic(carto: Cartographic): boolean    
getCenter(result?: Cartographic): Cartographic    
init(west: number = 0, south: number = 0, east: number = 0, north: number = 0): void    
create(west: number = 0, south: number = 0, east: number = 0, north: number = 0, result?: MapTileRectangle): MapTileRectangle Static    

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
clone(result?: this): this Range2d return a clone of this range (or copy to optional result)
containsPoint(point: XAndY): boolean Range2d Test if a point is within the range.
containsRange(other: LowAndHighXY): boolean Range2d Test of other range is within this range
containsXY(x: number, y: number): boolean Range2d Test if a point given as x,y is within the range.
corners3d(asLoop?: false | true, z?: number): Point3d[] Range2d Return an array with the 4 corners.
diagonal(result?: Vector2d): Vector2d Range2d return the diagonal vector.
diagonalFractionToPoint(fraction: number, result?: Primitives.Point2d): Point2d Range2d return the diagonal vector.
distanceToPoint(point: XAndY): number Range2d Return 0 if the point is within the range, otherwise the distance to the closest face or corner
distanceToRange(other: LowAndHighXY): number Range2d Return 0 if the point is within the range, otherwise the distance to the closest face or corner
expandInPlace(delta: number): void Range2d move all limits by a fixed amount.
extendPoint(point: XAndY): void Range2d Expand this range to include a point.
extendRange(other: LowAndHighXY): void Range2d Expand this range to include a range.
extendTransformedXY(transform: Transform, x: number, y: number): void Range2d Expand this range to include a point given by x,y
extendXY(x: number, y: number): void Range2d Expand this range to include a point given by x,y
fractionToPoint(fractionX: number, fractionY: number, result?: Primitives.Point2d): Point2d Range2d return a point given by fractional positions on the XY axes.
freeze(): void Range2d Freeze this instance (and its deep content) so it can be considered read-only
intersect(other: LowAndHighXY, result?: Range2d): Range2d Range2d Return the intersection of ranges.
intersectsRange(other: LowAndHighXY): boolean Range2d Test if there is any intersection with other range
isAlmostEqual(other: Range2d): boolean Range2d Returns true if this and other have equal low and high parts, or both are null ranges.
maxAbs(): number Range2d Largest absolute value among any coordinates in the box corners.
scaleAboutCenterInPlace(scaleFactor: number): void Range2d move low and high points by scaleFactor around the center point.
setFrom(other: LowAndHighXY): void Range2d copy all content from any other that has low and high xy data.
setFromJSON(json: Range2dProps): void Range2d treat any array of numbers as numbers to be inserted !!!
setNull(): void Range2d reset the low and high to null range state.
setXY(x: number, y: number): void Range2d Set low and hight to a single xy value.
toFloat64Array(): Float64Array Range2d Flatten the low and high coordinates of this instance into an array of 4 doubles
toJSON(): Range2dProps Range2d return json array with two points as produced by Point2d.toJSON
union(other: LowAndHighXY, result?: Range2d): Range2d Range2d Return the union of ranges.
xLength(): number Range2d Length of the box in the x direction
yLength(): number Range2d Length of the box in the y direction
coordinateToRangeAbsoluteDistance(x: number, low: number, high: number): number Static RangeBase Given a coordinate and pair of range limits, return the smallest distance to the range.
createArray<T extends Range2d>(points: Point2d[], result?: T): T extends Range2d Static Range2d Create a range around an array of points.
createFrom<T extends Range2d>(other: LowAndHighXY, result?: T): T extends Range2d Static Range2d create a new Range2d from any other that has low and high xy data.
createNull<T extends Range2d>(result?: T): T extends Range2d Static Range2d create a range with no content.
createXY<T extends Range2d>(x: number, y: number, result?: T): T extends Range2d Static Range2d Create a single point box
createXYXY<T extends Range2d>(xA: number, yA: number, xB: number, yB: number, result?: T): T extends Range2d Static Range2d Create a box with 2 pairs of xy candidates.
createXYXYOrCorrectToNull<T extends Range2d>(xA: number, yA: number, xB: number, yB: number, result?: T): T extends Range2d Static Range2d Create a box with 2 pairs of xy candidates.
fromArrayBuffer<T extends Range2d>(buffer: ArrayBuffer): T extends Range2d Static Range2d Construct a Range2d from an un-typed array.
fromFloat64Array<T extends Range2d>(f64: Float64Array): T extends Range2d Static Range2d Construct a Range2d from an array of double-precision values
fromJSON<T extends Range2d>(json?: Range2dProps): T extends Range2d Static Range2d Use setFromJSON to parse json into a new Range2d instance.
isExtremePoint2d(xy: Point2d): boolean Static RangeBase Return true if either of x,y is outside the range `[_EXTREME_NEGATIVE, _EXTREME_POSITIVE]'
isExtremePoint3d(xyz: Point3d): boolean Static RangeBase Return true if any x or y or z is outside the range `[_EXTREME_NEGATIVE, _EXTREME_POSITIVE]'
isExtremeValue(x: number): boolean Static RangeBase Return true if x is outside the range `[_EXTREME_NEGATIVE, _EXTREME_POSITIVE]'
isNull(range: LowAndHighXY): boolean Static Range2d Test if the box has high strictly less than low for any of x,y, condition.
npcScaleFactor(low: number, high: number): number ProtectedStatic RangeBase Return 0 if high<= low, otherwise 1/(high-low) for use in fractionalizing
rangeToRangeAbsoluteDistance(lowA: number, highA: number, lowB: number, highB: number): number Static RangeBase Return the min absolute distance from any point of [lowA,highA]' to any point of[lowB,highB]'.
toFloat64Array(val: LowAndHighXY): Float64Array Static Range2d Flatten the low and high coordinates of any json object with low.x ..


Name Type Description
east Accessor number    
north Accessor number    
south Accessor number    
west Accessor number    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_EXTREME_NEGATIVE ProtectedStatic number RangeBase Number considered to be impossibly negative for a coordinate in a range.
_EXTREME_POSITIVE ProtectedStatic number RangeBase Number considered impossibly large possibly for a coordinate in a range.
center Point2d Range2d Return the midpoint of the diagonal.
high Point2d Range2d low point coordinates.
isAlmostZeroX boolean Range2d Test if the x direction size is nearly zero
isAlmostZeroY boolean Range2d Test if the y direction size is nearly zero
isNull boolean Range2d Test if the box has high<low for any of x,y, condition.
isSinglePoint boolean Range2d Test of the range contains a single point.
low Point2d Range2d low point coordinates.
xHigh number Range2d return the high x coordinate
xLow number Range2d return the low x coordinate
yHigh number Range2d return the high y coordinate
yLow number Range2d return the low y coordinate

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020