constructor Method

Create a new HitDetail from the inputs to and results of a locate operation.

HitDetail(testPoint: Point3d, viewport: ScreenViewport, hitSource: HitSource, hitPoint: Point3d, sourceId: string, priority: HitPriority, distXY: number, distFraction: number, subCategoryId?: string, geometryClass?: GeometryClass, modelId?: string, iModel?: IModelConnection, tileId?: string, isClassifier?: false | true): HitDetail

Parameter Type Description
testPoint Point3d The world coordinate space point that was used as the locate point.
viewport ScreenViewport The view the locate operation was performed in.
hitSource HitSource The procedure that requested the locate operation.
hitPoint Point3d The approximate world coordinate location on the geometry identified by this HitDetail.
sourceId string The source of the geometry, either a persistent element id or pickable decoration id.
priority HitPriority The hit geometry priority/classification.
distXY number The xy distance to hit in view coordinates.
distFraction number The near plane distance fraction to hit.
subCategoryId string The SubCategory for a persistent element hit.
geometryClass GeometryClass The GeometryClass for a persistent element hit.
modelId string Optionally the Id of the ModelState from which the hit originated.
iModel IModelConnection The IModelConnection from which the hit originated. This should almost always be left undefined, unless the hit is known to have originated from an iModel other than the one associated with the viewport.
tileId string Optionally the Id of the Tile from which the hit originated.
isClassifier false | true Optionally whether the hit originated from a reality model classification.

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020