RequestQueryOptions Interface


Typical option to query REST API. Note that services may not quite support these fields, and the interface is only provided as a hint.


Name Type Description
$filter undefined | string Filter string used by the query (use the mapped EC property names, and not TypeScript property names)
Example: "Name like '*.pdf' and Size lt 1000"
$orderby undefined | string Orders the return values (use the mapped EC property names, and not TypeScript property names)
Example: "Size desc"
$pageSize undefined | number Sets the limit on the number of entries to be returned by a single response.  
$select undefined | string Select string used by the query (use the mapped EC property names, and not TypeScript property names)
Example: "Name,Size,Description"
$skip undefined | number Sets the number of entries to be skipped  
$top undefined | number Sets the limit on the number of entries to be returned by the query  

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020