SoftiModelDeleteEvent Class

Beta Rename to SoftIModelDeleteEvent

Sent when an iModel is put into the archive. See IModelHandler.delete.


Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
delete(requestContext: AuthorizedClientRequestContext): Promise<boolean> IModelHubBaseEvent Remove a single event from queue.

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
contextId undefined | string IModelHubGlobalEvent Id of the context (IModelHubGlobalEvent.Project or IModelHubGlobalEvent.Asset) that this iModel belongs to.
contextTypeId undefined | ContextType IModelHubGlobalEvent Type of the context (IModelHubGlobalEvent.Project or IModelHubGlobalEvent.Asset) that this iModel belongs to.
eventTopic undefined | string IModelHubBaseEvent Topic of this event.
fromEventSubscriptionId undefined | string IModelHubBaseEvent User that has sent this event.
iModelId undefined | GuidString IModelHubGlobalEvent Id of the iModel that caused this event.
projectId undefined | string IModelHubGlobalEvent Id of the IModelHubGlobalEvent.Project that this iModel belongs to.
toEventSubscriptionId undefined | string IModelHubBaseEvent User that is intended recipient of this event.

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020