LineStyleDefinition.Utils Class

Helper methods for creating and querying line styles


Name Description
createCompoundComponent(iModel: IModelDb, props: LineStyleDefinition.CompoundProps): LineStyleDefinition.StyleProps | undefined Static Create a file property for a new compound component.  
createPointSymbolComponent(iModel: IModelDb, props: LineStyleDefinition.PointSymbolProps): LineStyleDefinition.StyleProps | undefined Static Create a file property for a new point symbol component.  
createRasterComponent(iModel: IModelDb, props: LineStyleDefinition.RasterImageProps, image: Uint8Array): LineStyleDefinition.StyleProps | undefined Static Create a file property for a new raster image component.  
createStrokePatternComponent(iModel: IModelDb, props: LineStyleDefinition.StrokePatternProps): LineStyleDefinition.StyleProps | undefined Static Create a file property for a new stroke pattern component.  
createStrokePointComponent(iModel: IModelDb, props: LineStyleDefinition.StrokePointProps): LineStyleDefinition.StyleProps | undefined Static Create a file property for a new stroke point component.  
createStyle(imodel: IModelDb, scopeModelId: Id64String, name: string, props: LineStyleDefinition.StyleProps): Id64String Static Insert a new line style with the supplied name.  
getOrCreateContinuousStyle(imodel: IModelDb, scopeModelId: Id64String, width?: number): Id64String Static Query for a continuous line style that can be used to create curves with physical width instead of weight in pixels and create one if it does not already exist.  
getOrCreateLinePixelsStyle(imodel: IModelDb, scopeModelId: Id64String, linePixels: LinePixels): Id64String Static Query for a line style using the supplied LinePixels value (Code1-Code7) and create one if it does not already exist.  
queryStyle(imodel: IModelDb, scopeModelId: Id64String, name: string): Id64String | undefined Static Query for an existing line style with the supplied name.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020