createStandardWorldToView MethodStatic

Create a rotation matrix for one of the 8 standard views.

  • With invert === false the return is such that matrix.multiply(worldVector) returns the vector as seen in the xy (projected) coordinates of the view.
  • With invert === true the matrix is transposed so that matrix.multiply(viewVector maps the "in view" vector to a world vector.

createStandardWorldToView(index: StandardViewIndex, invert: boolean = false, result?: Matrix3d): Matrix3d

Parameter Type Description
index StandardViewIndex standard view index StandardViewIndex.Top, Bottom, LEft, Right, Front, Back, Iso, LeftIso
invert boolean if false (default), the returned Matrix3d "projects" world vectors into XY view vectors. If true, it is inverted to map view vectors to world.
result Matrix3d optional result.

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020