createLocalToWorldTransformInRange MethodStatic

Create the localToWorld transform from a range to axes of its parent coordinate system.

createLocalToWorldTransformInRange(range: Range3d, scaleSelect: AxisScaleSelect = AxisScaleSelect.NonUniformRangeContainment, fractionX: number = 0, fractionY: number = 0, fractionZ: number = 0, defaultAxisLength: number = 1): Transform

Parameter Type Description
range Range3d range to inspect
scaleSelect AxisScaleSelect selects size of localToWorld axes.
fractionX number fractional coordinate of frame origin x
fractionY number fractional coordinate of frame origin y
fractionZ number fractional coordinate of frame origin z
defaultAxisLength number if true and any axis length is 0, that axis vector takes this physical length.

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020