announceClippedSegmentIntervals Method

Find the parts of the line segment (if any) that is within the convex clip volume.

  • The input fractional interval from fraction0 to fraction1 (increasing!!) is the active part to consider.
  • To clip to the usual bounded line segment, starts with fractions (0,1). If the clip volume is unbounded, the line interval may also be unbounded.
  • An unbounded line portion will have fraction coordinates positive or negative Number.MAX_VALUE.

announceClippedSegmentIntervals(f0: number, f1: number, pointA: Point3d, pointB: Point3d, announce?: (fraction0: number, fraction1: number) => void): boolean

Parameter Type Description
f0 number  
f1 number  
pointA Point3d segment start (fraction 0)
pointB Point3d segment end (fraction 1)
announce (fraction0: number, fraction1: number) => void function to be called to announce a fraction interval that is within the convex clip volume.

Returns - true if a segment was announced, false if entirely outside.

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020