
Content rules are used to define content that is displayed for specific type of selection.

Selection consists of either instances or nodes and to make things simpler everything is considered a node - instances get converted to ECInstance nodes (thus the SelectedNode symbol in condition ECExpression).


Name Required? Type Default Meaning
Picking attributes
priority No number 1000 Defines the order in which presentation rules are evaluated.
condition No ECExpression "" Defines a condition for the rule, which needs to be met in order to execute it.
onlyIfNotHandled No boolean false Should this rule be ignored if there is already an existing rule with a higher priority.
Content attributes
specifications No ContentSpecification[] [] Specifications that define what content the rule returns.


  "ruleType": "Content",
  "priority": 999,
  "condition": "SelectedNode.IsOfClass(\"Model\", \"BisCore\")",
  "specifications": [],

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020