
alias: CoreCA

version: 1.0.3

Custom attributes to indicate core EC concepts, may include struct classes intended for use in core custom attributes.

displayLabel: Core Custom Attributes


DateTimeComponent Enumeration

Backing Type: string

description: <No description>

Strict: true

Label Value

DateTimeKind Enumeration

Backing Type: string

description: <No description>

Strict: true

Label Value

ProductionStatusValue Enumeration

Backing Type: string

description: Used with ProductionStatus to declare the schema author's intended and supported workflows for the schema.

Strict: true

Label Value
NotForProduction NotForProduction
FieldTesting FieldTesting
Production Production
Deprecated Deprecated

Custom Attribute Classes

ClassHasCurrentTimeStampProperty Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: <No description>

Applies to: EntityClass


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
PropertyName false 0

DateTimeInfo Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Optional additional meta data for ECProperties of type DateTime.

Applies to: PrimitiveProperty, ArrayProperty


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
DateTimeKind Either Utc, Local or Unspecified. Default: Unspecified. When specifying a DateTimeKind, it is usually not necessary to specify a DateTimeComponent because a DateTimeKind implies the DateTimeComponent 'DateTime'. false 0
DateTimeComponent Either DateTime or Date. Default: DateTime. Specifying 'Date' usually implies that a DateTimeKind is irrelevant, because dates (without time) don't need any timezone information. false 0

Deprecated Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Identifies a schema or item within a schema as deprecated. Deprecated things should not be used.

Applies to: Any

Deprecated declares that this schema is no longer recommended for production workflows. Better alternatives exist and should be used instead. Deprecated schemas must have been in Production at some previous point in time. Note that the Deprecated CustomAttribute should also be used, and can be used to provide a detailed message.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Description Gives advice about avoiding the deprecated item or other helpful information related to the deprecation of the item. false 0

DynamicSchema (Dynamic Schema) Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Identifies a schema as dynamically generated by an application. Like versions of a schema may differ and are not guaranteed to merge without conflicts.

Applies to: Schema

Extension Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Used to indicate that the property this custom attribute is applied to is an extension property.

Applies to: AnyProperty


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Origin Extension origin. false 0

HiddenClass Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Identifies a class which is designed to be hidden from teh user interface. Hides the class it is applied to and all derived classes

Applies to: AnyClass


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Show If set to true show the hidden class. Defaults to False. Allows a derived class to be shown even though it's base class is hidden false 0

HiddenProperty Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Identifies a property which is designed to be hidden from the user interface

Applies to: AnyProperty


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Show If set to true show the hidden property. Defaults to False. Allows a property override to show a hidden property in a derived class false 0

HiddenSchema Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Identifies a schema which is designed to be hidden from the user interface. By default all classes in the schema are hidden as well.

Applies to: Schema


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
ShowClasses If true classe in the schema will be shown. Default is False. If set to true individual classes may be hidden using the HiddenClass custom attribute false 0

IsMixin (Is Mixin) Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Applied to abstract ECEntityClasses which serve as secondary base classes for normal ECEntityClasses.

Applies to: EntityClass


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
AppliesToEntityClass This mixin may only be applied to entity classes which derive from this class. Class Name should be fully specified as 'alias:ClassName' false 0

Localizable (Localizable) Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Applied to a property to indicate that custom attributes using this property can be localized.

Applies to: PrimitiveProperty

NotSubclassableInReferencingSchemas Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Makes a class 'sealed' outside of the schema containing the class

Applies to: AnyClass


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Exceptions Optionally allows specific classes in other schemas to subclass this class. Use format '[SchemaName]:[ClassName]', e.g. 'Fruit:Banana' false 0

PartialSchema (Partial Schema) Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Identifies a schema file/object that may only contain part of the complete schema. Like versions of a schema may differ but are guaranteed to merge without conflicts.

Applies to: Schema

ProductionStatus Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Declares the suitability of this schema for use in production and other workflows.

Applies to: Schema


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
SupportedUse Indicates the suitability of this schema for production or other usage. false 0
Checksum Set when the schema ProductionStatus is set. Used to verify that a validated schema has not been modified after that point. false 0

SupplementalProvenance Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: <No description>

Applies to: Schema


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
SupplementalSchemaNamesAndPurposes false 0

SupplementalSchema (Supplemental Schema) Sealed CustomAttributeClass

description: Identifies a schema as a supplemental schema and stores extra metadata necessary for supplemental schemas

Applies to: Schema


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
PrimarySchemaReference References the primary schema this supplemental should be applied to Primary Schema Reference false 0
Precedence Positive integer defining the precedence of this supplemental schema. Higher precedences override lower precences. The primary schema is considered to have a precedence between 199 and 200. false 0
Purpose A string representing the function of this supplemental schema. Standard name formatting for a supplemental schema is Supplemental false 0

SchemaNameAndPurpose Sealed StructClass

description: Used to define a supplemental schema and its purpose


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
SchemaName Full name of the supplemental schema false 0
Purpose Purpose of the supplemental schema false 0

SchemaReference (Schema Reference) Sealed StructClass

description: Reference to a schema including name and version


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
SchemaName Name of schema, excluding version Schema Name false 0
MajorVersion [This].[Write].[Minor] Major Version false 0
MinorVersion [Major].[Write].[This] Minor Version false 0
WriteVersion [Major].[This].[Minor] false 0

Last Updated: 08 January, 2020